Event: btNOG11 2024 Visit btNOG11

btNOG11 Registration is OPEN !

btNOG11 registration is now open, and residents of Bhutan who are interested to join btNOG11 in person can register online via this link. However, please note that payment of registration fees is necessary to secure a workshop/conference seat, as no reservations are guaranteed until payment is made.

For international guests who wish to participate btNOG11 can also do the same but for payment, you can contact btNOG Coord Team at btnog-coord@nog.bt.

We encourage you to register as soon as possible as there is a high demand for the courses, and the workshop/conference seats are limited and likely to be filled quickly.

The 11th Meeting of btNOG comprises of five days workshops followed by one-day conference.

Registration Fees:

  • For Conference Only : Nu. 2,500
  • For the Workshop Only : Nu. 8,000
  • For both Conference & Workshop : Nu. 10,000
Date : 4-9 th August, 2024
Host : btNOG 11 is being hosted by the Network Operators of Bhutan
About : The btNOG Conference & Workshop is an opportunity for capacity development for the professionals of IT/ICT involved in the operation of networks and network services in Bhutan
Venue : Thimphu

To enroll for this event, please signup for MybtNOG account. Once you have logged in, provide your personal information and then register btNOG11 event (Conferene/Worshop).

Participant Statistics

Track 1: Layer 1-3 Networking Fundamentals 13 / 30
Track 2: Campus Network Design & Operations 28 / 36
Track 3: Security (NetSec/InfoSec) 14 / 30
Conference Participants 50