Event: btNOG11 2024 Visit btNOG11

btNOG11 Registration is CLOSED !

The 11th Meeting of btNOG comprises of five days workshops followed by one-day conference.

Registration Fees:

  • For Conference Only : Nu. 2,500
  • For the Workshop Only : Nu. 8,000
  • For both Conference & Workshop : Nu. 10,000
Date : 4-9 th August, 2024
Host : btNOG 11 is being hosted by the Network Operators of Bhutan
About : The btNOG Conference & Workshop is an opportunity for capacity development for the professionals of IT/ICT involved in the operation of networks and network services in Bhutan
Venue : Thimphu

To enroll for this event, please signup for MybtNOG account. Once you have logged in, provide your personal information and then register btNOG11 event (Conferene/Worshop).

Participant Statistics

Track 1: Layer 1-3 Networking Fundamentals 29 / 30
Track 2: Campus Network Design & Operations 34 / 36
Track 3: Security (NetSec/InfoSec) 31 / 34
Conference Participants 104